Ph: 941-921-6645           Address: 17510 US HWY 41, Lutz FL 33549


NEXT SEMINAR: November 2017

Advances in Bio-Identical Hormones presented Dr. Dan Watts, Dr. Jill Barat and Dr. Alex Espinosa, November 16th, 2017 @ 6:30pm Have questions before then? Ask the Pharmacist!


Family Pharmacy offers FREE seminars on a variety of topics that interest our patients. Each month October through June, we tap area experts and professionals in their chosen fields to come to Family Pharmacy to educate and possibly enrich the lives of our patients.

The following are some topics that we have discussed in the seminars:

The difference between hormone therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy; discussion of hormonal imbalances, in regards to estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol (stress hormone) and thyroid; and how to test your hormone levels.
The Hormone Connection to weight loss
Gastrointestinal and Liver Detox
Heavy Metal Toxicity
PRP/Stem Cell Regeneration

Upcoming Seminars:

heart_stethoscope-1346179199Advances in Bio-Identical Hormones presented by Dr. Dan Watts, Dr. Jill Barat and Dr. Alex Espinosa, November 16th, 2017 @ 6:30pm
Please call or email to RSVP.

We offer a variety of in-store and at-home test kits to meet your needs. We also offer private consultations. Click here for more information or to fill out our consultation form.

Screenings available include:fruits_vegetables_pills-1346179306

  • ALCAT World Wide Sensitivity Testing
  • Blood analysis kit for metals and minerals
  • Hemoglobin A1C test kit
  • Hormone saliva testing and blood spot testing
    • ZRT Laboratory kits in stock
      (assays available for hormones, adrenal function testing, single and multiple hormone testing available, Iodine profile, PSA, Vitamin D: 25-OH Vitamin D2, 25-OH Vitamin D3, Total; hs-CRP, etc)
  • Neurotransmitter Testing by NeuroScience
  • Vitamin Testing
    • SpectraCell kits in stock – will test the levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids
  • MTHFR (5,10-methyleneyeyrahydrofolate) Genotyping – SpectraCell Kits available
  • Telomere Testing – SpectraCell Kits available
  • ApoE Geotyping – SpectraCell kits available.
  • HS-Omega-3 Index – SpectraCell kits available


Resources / Links

The following resources and links are provided as a service to our visitors. Family Pharmacy is not affiliated with any of the following authors or web sites and is not responsible for their content.

Nutritional Supplements

For information about nutritional supplements please contact our pharmacy.                                                                                                      


The following links are provided for informational purposes only. These organizations and companies are used by our pharmacy on a daily basis for a variety of products and information. We have not received any financial endorsement for providing links to these web sites or promotion of products.

» PCAB Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
» IACP International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists
» ZRT Laboratory
» Adrenal Fatigue, Dr. James Wilson
» John Lee, MD, Your Information Source for Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
» Health Wisdom for Women; Christiane Northrup
» Women In Balance


Women’s Health

Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? Eldred Taylor, M.D. and Ava Bell-Taylor, M.D.
Natural Hormone Replacement for Women Over 45; Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.
Schwarzbein Principle; Diane Schwarzbein, M.D., Marilyn Brown
Schwarzbein Principle II; The Transition; Diane Schwarzbein, M.D., Marilyn Brown
The V Book: A Doctor’s Guide to Complete Vulvovaginal Health; Elizabeth G. Stewart, M.D., Paula Spencer
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer; John R. Lee, M.D., David Zava, PH.D and Virginia Hopkins
What your Doctor May Not Tell you About Menopause; John R. Lee, M.D.
The Wisdom of Menopause; Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom; Christiane Northrup, M.D.
You’ve Hit Menopause: Now What?; George Gillson, MD, PhD, Tracy Marsden, BscPharm

Adrenal & Thyroid Health

Adrenal Fatigue, The 21st Century Stress Syndrome; James L. Wilson, ND, DO
The Cortisol Connection; Shawn Talbott, PhD
The Safe Uses of Cortisol(2nd edition); William McK.Jeffries, MD, FACP
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders; David Brownstein
Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It; David Brownstein
Salt Your Way to Health; David Brownstein
The Thyroid Solution; Ridha Arem, M.D.

Men’s Health

Maximize Your Vitality & Potency For Men Over 40; Jonathan Wright, M.D., Lane Lenard, Ph.D.
The Testosterone Syndrome; Eugene Shippen, M.D., William Fryer

Treating Menopause with Compounding

When menopausal symptoms plague your every waking hour during the day… and night… it’s time to investigate treatment options. Yet where to start? Maybe you’ve already gone to your regular doctor to ask about how to keep your hot flashes, flashpoint temper, and insomnia at bay, but hormone therapies are all so confusing. Bioidentical vs. non bioidentical options. Traditional or custom compounding. Diet and vitamins.

On this episode of Health Check, the experts at Family Pharmacy talk about treating menopause and compounding solutions.

Listen here:  Family Pharmacy Talks Menopause Relief | Health Check with WSRQ Lutz