Cold Fingers and Toes? Here’s What May Be Causing It
From time to time, we all get cold fingers and toes, but what if this happens more often than you’d like? If you feel like your extremities are frequently going cold, you may be suffering from an underlying medical condition.
This article will address what may be causing cold fingers and toes and what you can do to counteract it.
Why Do I Have Cold Fingers and Toes?
You may feel that your extremities get numb and lose their sense of touch, but having cold fingers and toes can be relatively harmless.
A common condition called Raynaud’s Disease is likely to be the problem. Over 20% of adults worldwide are affected by this disease. This disease causes small blood vessels in the fingers and toes to tighten and close up, creating blood flow issues and temperature issues. It’s not only an issue that can directly affect you indoors but also while exposed to the outdoor elements. Many individuals are most impacted during colder weather days.
However, in some cases, these symptoms can be an early sign of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Peripheral Artery Disease, Hypothyroidism, Raynaud’s Disease, Vitamin B-12 deficiency, Thrombosis, and Anemia.
What Can You Do About Cold Fingers and Toes?
Treatment of Raynaud’s Disease can be as simple as not exposing yourself to cold environments that will cause your hands and feet to spasms. You may be enticed to use a pair of socks or hand warmers to prevent cold fingers and toes, but not everyone has those items available at all times. Not only is it a bother to carry around gloves, but it does not direct the root cause of the issue. In this case, medications are the next go-to solution.
The clear answer is to get a doctor to assess your symptoms. In the case you have already visited your primary care physician, they probably prescribed you an oral medication to help open small blood vessels located in your fingers and toes. These medications dilate the blood vessels to allow more blood flow throughout the affected areas. Many of these drugs will not only alleviate your condition of cold fingers and toes but also help with healing skin ulcers.
Although many oral options are beneficial, if you do not enjoy taking oral medications, a topical cream can be a better option. Topical cream tends to help improve your condition if appropriately applied.
Using a Raynaud’s Cream prescribed by a qualified doctor is known to have a relief effect and decrease your current symptoms. These topical creams are a great addition to any treatment plan. Custom compound formulas must be prescribed by a physician based on your personal medical history. Have your physician or doctor send a prescription to a pharmacy via phone or by electronic prescription.
Manage Symptoms
To this day, it’s unknown what causes Raynauds to affect the extremities, however it’s known that this condition is treatable by a medical professional. This condition is usually self-diagnosable. The distress from cold hands or feet can be chronic and may last for years or be lifelong.
Cold Fingers and Toes Conclusion
The good news is that by changing your lifestyle and home remedies, you can regain your life back. Avoid smoking, as this tightens blood vessels. Maintain a daily exercise routine to increase blood circulation through the hands and feet.
For those diagnosed with Secondary Raynaud’s, we recommend that you use NeuraZenx since it’s a comprehensive nerve support supplement made that may assist with overall nerve function
Control your stress, as stressful situations trigger cold fingers and toes for those suffering from Raynaud’s. Last but not least, avoid changing temperatures too quickly. If you live in a cold place, you will undoubtedly have to keep warm clothes on, but don’t forget to treat yourself by getting your extremities warm as soon as you can when exposed to cold weather.